Saturday, September 6, 2014

Marinos visit us, and it's not February!

Stephen's parents have visited us twice in February, and although we had decent weather both times, I thought it was time they experienced the awesomeness that is summer in Albuquerque.  We were able to see things that are closed in the winter, or that just wouldn't be very pleasant in colder weather.
On their first day, Stephen and I went to work and left the folks to rest up from their trip.  They took a walk in the neighborhood then went to the racetrack to watch Stephen run some laps in the Camaro.

On Saturday we went to Santa Fe, where we visited the art museum and the Palace of the Governors in addition to strolling through the craft fair in the Plaza and having a delicious lunch at the Plaza Restaurant.

Sunday was a very full day.  We started out at the tram (without Stephen, who has no desire to ride in a tiny car that he's not driving, hundreds of feet above the rocky ground). 

It was in the 80's when we got into the tram at the bottom, 6,559 ft above sea level, and in the 50's and windy when we got out at the top at 10,378 ft.
After our tram ride we picked up Stephen at the house and had a delicious lunch at the Greenside Cafe in Cedar Crest.

From there, Stephen drove us to Sandia Crest at the top of the mountain, a few miles away from where we had  been when we ascended the tramway.  We took a short hike along the rim and enjoyed the fabulous views of the city.

Then we drove back down the mountain, passing a group of Mini Coopers on its way up, and visited the Tinkertown Museum, a folk art museum created by a sign painter and carver.

That was a lot to fit into one day!  On Monday, the guys elected to hang out at home, while Mom M. and I went to Old Town for some shopping and lunch at a New Mexican restaurant.  On the way, we visited my school.

Stephen and I had to go back to work on Tuesday, but the folks made the most of their remaining time in Abq by visiting Old Town again and touring the Anthropology museum.
We had a lovely time and got to show Stephen's folks what Albuquerque looks like when it is at its most green, with flowers blooming everywhere.