Saturday, October 20, 2018

Marinos visit Albuquerque for Balloon Fiesta

We went to the Balloon Fiesta for the evening glow.  There were tents with balloon-related crafts and gifts,

and there was food, lots of food!
 and there were drummers,
 and there were dancers,

 there were sky divers, and there was a beautiful sunset,

but, alas, there were no balloons.  It was too windy and they never went up.

So, a couple of days later we went to see the mass ascension. 

In the meantime, we had a beautiful day in Old Town and a lovely walk in the bio park.
 The roses were still blooming!!!

  Getting up early to see the mass ascension, we found our roadside overlook just as the dawn patrol was finishing and balloons started to fly.  The sky behind us was spectacular.

 The wind was taking the balloons North, so instead of a sky full of balloons directly above us, we saw a steady stream of balloons rising and moving along the river.

We got home in time to have a hearty breakfast and start the kitchen floor project.

We ran out of adhesive just after this photo was taken and Stephen and Dad M had to finish up on Sunday afternoon while Mom M and I went to the Rio Grande Arts and Crafts show at Sandia Casino and Resort.  The show was in a gigantic tent and it was a stellar craft fair.  We took all afternoon to check every stall.  There wasn't a lot of repetition and the art was first rate.  We saw some really neat things!
A few days after Marinos left, Stephen and I were able to put the baseboard and trim on the kitchen nook and put the furniture back.  We are looking forward to being able to have breakfast in our sunny nook again!