Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Day of the Tread

I have never been in any kind of race/run/ride before!  And I never would have if fellow music teacher Tabitha had not invited me.  She started, "Now don't say no until you think about it..."   And then proceeded to try to convince me I could ride 26 miles!
The Day of the Tread is a huge event in Albuquerque.  It is a charity bike ride, benefiting Pegasus Legal Services for children.  You can ride 100 miles, 50, or 26, and there's a fun ride for kids.  People wear amazingly creative costumes.
We started at Civic Plaza.

My number was 644.  I saw numbers in the 900's!  The 100 milers and 50 milers left before we did, so it wasn't as crowded as it could have been.   There were many police officers and volunteers helping with traffic during the first part of the ride which was on city streets.  But we soon entered the Bosque trail, which is familiar territory for me.
There were stops all along the way with live music and drinks and snacks.

The turning point was El Pinto, where we were offered coffee, snacks and sopapillas!
And more live music, of course.

After a lengthy pit stop at El Pinto, where Tabitha and I both saw people we know, we headed back.  Another 13 miles to go!  When we got to the finish line, there were cheerleaders from the local high school, another band was playing, and the announcer was calling out the fun costumes.  What a blast!  Next year we'll ride faster AND wear cool costumes.  Totally fun.