Tuesday, March 3, 2020

New Albuquerque experiences with Marinos

After visiting Phoenix, the Grand Canyon, and Santa Fe, the Marinos were still willing to do some exploring in Albuquerque during their recent visit.
We started at the Albuquerque Museum with the delightful Jim Henson exhibit.

We also walked around Old Town and did a little shopping.

The next day we went to the Balloon Museum.  I'm not sure how I managed to live here for seven years without seeing it, but better late than never!

On Monday Stephen had to work, but the rest of us went to the Turquoise Museum and then made a stop at Mama's Minerals.   The Turquoise Museum is in a castle, of sorts. It's a modern house that was built to look old with many antiques and a collection of 132 crystal chandeliers.  I know that we went there to look at the turquoise, but I just happen to LOVE crystal chandeliers.  I was in chandelier heaven. 


 We also did this epic puzzle that Jackie and Ralph gave Stephen for Christmas.  The car was the easy part -- the background was a challenge!  As usual, we enjoyed our visitors and had a great time exploring new things in Albuquerque.