Friday, April 2, 2021

Bike-In Coffe and Jazz

I met my friend at Kit Carson Park to bike on the Bosque Trail, knowing that we would not be doing a long hard ride today.  She was still recovering from her second Covid shot and I was just flat-out tired from a stressful week (OK, 4 days) of school. We decided to ride as far as the nature center and then on the way back, to take the side trail to Bike-In Coffee.  I had heard of it but never been there.  It turned out to be the most delightful experience!  All outdoors, lots of fun choices of food and drink available, and plenty of space to social distance.  As we were ordering, I noticed people with instrument cases walking toward a canopy in a park-like area.  It was the Rio Grande Jazz Society Friday jam!  I had no idea this existed.  My friend and I took our drinks to a table nearby and listened to several songs.  Eventually we rode back to Kit Carson Park for a modest 10.5 miles but a huge amount of fun.  Live music!  Bikes! People!  Yay!