Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas in New Mexico

Our first week in the new house went by in a blur of work and appointments and getting things set up and ready to leave for a trip to NY. In all the rush, Christmas preparations were not on the top of our to-do list, but we knew we wanted to take a day to relax and celebrate in some fashion. Buying presents for each other was out of the question -- there was simply no time -- but we thought we might buy something for the house to give each other as a Christmas gift. On Friday, I went to the apartment to finish cleaning it, pick up any last mail, and do laundry (we don't have a washer and dryer at the house yet). While I was waiting for laundry to dry, I drove to a (normally) empty lot in the desert that had been turned into a Christmas Tree store with a temporary fence and an RV. A folding table was set up with a cash box and credit card swiper. I was driving the company truck which only has a 6 foot bed, so I bought a 6 foot tree, choosing the first one in the row for the sake of time. I still needed to be back at the house to meet the alarm company guy, then I had to go to work at the music studio. It was 40+ degrees and sunny without a hint of snow. So different from our usual weather when we would get a tree at Olde Saratoga Home and Garden and stand around in the cold and snow while we talked with the owners. Stephen took the tree out of the truck and put it on the stand while I was at work in the evening, and that was the extent of our pre-Christmas preparation.

Saturday the 22nd was the day we had set aside for our Christmas, since we are scheduled to fly to NY on Sunday. We started by sleeping in, a luxury we haven't had in several weekends. I got up first and started the dough for cinnamon buns. The manufactured granite countertop in the new kitchen is fabulous for kneading and rolling out dough! I never minded regular laminate countertops, but now I know the practical difference. I had been trying to figure out the adjustments for high altitude baking and for the convection oven, but decided to just wing it and watch them carefully as they baked. Stephen gave an enthusiastic endorsement to the result.

After breakfast (which was more like brunch by the time the rolls were done) we decorated the tree. I bought this New Mexico ornament when Katie and I were in Old Town last weekend.

Stephen helped, and Annabelle considered which ornament to pounce on first.

While we were decorating, our across-the-street neighbors stopped by to introduce themselves and to bring us a gift to welcome us to the neighborhood! We stood around the mostly undecorated tree and talked for a few minutes and then exchanged phone numbers and contact info. What a nice thing!

We also wanted to hang the picture that was given to us by the family as a going-away present, so we chose the perfect location.

It was a beautiful sunny day (again) so we took a walk in the open space behind our house. I had Stephen take this photo because there's a prickly pear, a cholla cactus, and a sage brush all together.

I shed my coat, hat and gloves right away. It's interesting how the thermometer can be deceptive. We saw that it was 42 degrees at the airport, and we're up a bit higher, so I bundled up. But between the bright sunlight and the lack of moisture in the air, if it's not windy it feels much warmer.

This tree reminded Stephen of the tree on the marginal way in Ogunquit, ME that everyone used to sit in for pictures until it was roped off for its own safety. My Facebook profile picture was taken by the Maine tree, but I may have to change it to this one.

There are some spectacular rock formations, and Stephen says he keeps expecting to see Wile E. Coyote with a lever trying to dislodge one to fall on the Roadrunner.

After our hike, we headed into the city to the area on Central Ave where the used furniture and antique (junque) stores are. We were thinking of an old bookcase, or a table for the office, or maybe a comfy chair. Instead, we found a fabulous headboard/footboard for our bed, and gave it to each other for Christmas. We went to Cafe da Lat for dinner, and then came back and set up the new bed. We had thought about driving out to where the luminaria tour takes place, but we were just too tired, so we'll save that pleasure for next year.

So that was our first Christmas in New Mexico, and today we fly to NY to spend time with our wonderful families. When we get back we're looking forward to establishing a routine and getting into the "new normal" in our new place.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds great, make sure to bring your coat and hat and scarve and mittens cause it is a damp cold here! Enjoy the holidays!
