Sunday, January 27, 2013


I have been teaching piano and flute and oboe lessons at the New Mexico School of Music, just off Central Ave, about a 20 minute drive from our house. I started out by doing some subbing, then took over a maternity leave, and now I also have a few students of my own. The plan is for me to get more of my own students when the maternity leave ends. Most of the teachers at the school have performance degrees, some with doctorates, and are highly accomplished players. Fortunately for me, the school also needs some education professionals who relate well to young children!

The school has an annual Faculty Recital for which I was preparing an oboe piece, but when I started teaching band there was no time to practice, so I bowed out for this year. The recital was today, and I'm glad I didn't try to play without being well-prepared, because the level of musicianship is very high and I will need to be in my best form to hold my own.

The recital started with a non-faculty member. An eleven-year-old student of Tatiana, the director, played Beethoven's first piano concerto to "warm up" for his appearance with the New Mexico Philharmonic next month! After that, we heard members of the faculty perform on piano, voice, classical guitar, and saxophone. Today is Mozart's birthday, so there was a lot of Mozart, which is fine with me. Although I'm not quite sure how I felt about the Overture from the Magic Flute arranged for two accordions. Yup, you can't make this stuff up.

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