Saturday, March 23, 2013


Albuquerque only gets about 9" of rain per year, but flash-flooding has been a danger.  In the 60's, Albuquerque built a system of constructed waterways or arroyos to deal with the issue.  Many of the arroyos have walking or biking trails next to them.  Some are huge, and many are lined with concrete and have storm drains that feed into them.  I pass this sign on my way out of our development.
 Most of the arroyos I've seen have bridges over them, but some do cross roads.  Last August when I was visiting, there were warnings on the radio about the danger of driving into an arroyo, and there was a story of a woman who drowned when her SUV was swept away by the rushing water.  I actually haven't seen more than a trickle of water in any arroyo except for this one near the Rio Grande (the photo was taken in October).

This is the Four Hills Arroyo near our house:

Here is one near our old apartment in the Northeast, with a paved walking/biking trail alongside.  I enjoyed walking on this trail many times.  I never saw more water in the arroyo than is shown in this photo, even though it was supposedly "monsoon season," which as far as I can tell means that there might be a short thunderstorm in the afternoon. 

Presumably I'll get to see an arroyo full of rushing water sooner or later.  I hope I have my camera with me!

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