Sunday, October 27, 2013

Things Are Different Here (Donks and Dubs)

"...typically a traditional, full-size, body on frame, V8 powered, rear wheel drive American-built sedan modified by significantly increasing the ground clearance and adding large-diameter wheels with low-profile tires."

ABQ is full of donks.  The wheels are called dubs.  The rubber part of the wheels is really skinny, and the wheels are typically open so you can see through them.    It's a little difficult to take pictures of other cars while I'm driving, and it could be considered rude, so I admit I didn't take these photos, but here are some examples:

 Here in ABQ, the windows would be tinted very dark as well.  Actually, almost all the cars here have tinted windows because of the climate.  Stephen says that my Volvo's windows would be illegal in NY.

Folks in ABQ also put dubs on their pickup trucks.  It's a whole car culture that I never noticed in NY.  Fun!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

How the heck did this get here?

The remains of this truck is in the open space behind my house.  I found it while hiking down from what the locals call "the saddle," which is a spot between two of the four hills that gave my neighborhood, Four Hills, its name.  Check out the next picture then tell me if you can figure out how this old girl came to rest here.  Must have been a wild ride!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

A Short Walk

Entering the open space behind my house.

The rabbitbrush is in bloom.
I'm going to walk around this rock outcropping, about halfway up.

To my left is the neighborhood.

Can't go this way!

Passing the bench...

The trail begins to climb.

And up some more.

Looking down on Four Hills.  The airport is in the background on the left.

Flowers blooming near the cactus.

Looking back at Four Hills with the Air Force Base behind it.

Approaching the turn.

Getting a glimpse of I-40 to the East.

Turning to go around the back of the outcropping.

I-40, looking through the pass.


The back side is shady at 4 PM.

Weird rocks.

Headed West again.

The water tank.

As soon as I get home, I'll be drinking water from that tank.

You really truly do not want to step off the trail.  Trust me.

Flowers going to seed.

Almost home.

Back to the cul-de-sac.


Monday, October 14, 2013

Things Are Different Here (at the grocery store)

 This is the salsa and chile aisle.  You can also get green and red chile frozen.  You can also choose from a plethora of fresh and dried chiles in the produce section.
This is the tortilla aisle.  You can also get tortilla mix, tortilla flour, tortilla cornmeal, raw (uncooked) tortillas to fry, and frozen tortillas. 

This is just the regular, chain grocery store.  !!!