Saturday, October 19, 2013

A Short Walk

Entering the open space behind my house.

The rabbitbrush is in bloom.
I'm going to walk around this rock outcropping, about halfway up.

To my left is the neighborhood.

Can't go this way!

Passing the bench...

The trail begins to climb.

And up some more.

Looking down on Four Hills.  The airport is in the background on the left.

Flowers blooming near the cactus.

Looking back at Four Hills with the Air Force Base behind it.

Approaching the turn.

Getting a glimpse of I-40 to the East.

Turning to go around the back of the outcropping.

I-40, looking through the pass.


The back side is shady at 4 PM.

Weird rocks.

Headed West again.

The water tank.

As soon as I get home, I'll be drinking water from that tank.

You really truly do not want to step off the trail.  Trust me.

Flowers going to seed.

Almost home.

Back to the cul-de-sac.


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