Sunday, November 17, 2013

The Osterhouts visit ABQ part 3

I had Monday off for Veteran's Day, but Stephen had to go to work.  We got a fairly early start and I drove the rental van to Santa Fe.  We parked in one of the municipal lots and walked to the historic Plaza, where, unbeknownst to us, the Veteran's Day parade was just starting!  As my Mom said, it was the perfect parade.  No parking problem, no long wait, a nice comfortable temperature, and a parade that had all the parts you would wish for but was reasonably short. 

After the parade, we walked around the plaza, stopping to look in shops and to check out the crafts.  David bought patches and postcards, and we bought a few souvenirs.  I had done some research to find a place for lunch, and had decided that we should try the Plaza Cafe if it was reasonably accessible.  It was, and my folks were adventurous enough to try some of the Southwest-style diner specialties.  Dad had frito pie and Mom had Indian taco with calabacitas, which is basically veggies, cheese, chile and guacamole on Navajo frybread. 

We walked around some more after lunch, enjoying the architecture and the colorful characters hanging out in the Plaza.  One guy had a full-sized harp on some kind of motorized chair.  There was an accordion player in the square and a violinist on the corner. 

We returned via the Turquoise Trail, enjoying the sights and scenery.  We got back in time for a walk to the park near the hotel before dinner.
On Tuesday, Stephen and I met my family for a late dinner and to say goodbye, as they were returning to NY early Wed. morning.  We had a wonderful time and are already planning for their next visit! 

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