Sunday, December 15, 2013

Things Are Different Here -- Christmas Tree!

If you want a real tree in ABQ, you can go to a big-box store, or you can go to one of the Christmas tree places that spring up in empty lots in the desert around the end of November.  Actually, there were also a couple of folks selling trees out of the backs of pickup trucks on the side of the road.  You can also buy pinions and chiles from these roadside pick-up trucks, but I haven't had the nerve to try it yet.
I wanted to get our tree at the same place as last year because they were nice to me when I went by myself.  So we drove up to the Northeast near our old apartment and found the same guys.

For 21 consecutive Christmases, Stephen and I argued (negotiated) over the size of the tree.  He always wanted a huge tree and I thought that since he is allergic to them, and we always lived in tiny houses, that we should get a tiny tree.  Then last year we had a big space with high ceilings, but I only had a borrowed truck with a 6' bed, so I got a 6' tree!  This year I told Stephen he could go wild and get whatever tree he wanted.  Much to his disappointment, they didn't have any REALLY tall trees, so he settled for getting the biggest one they had.
 The trees came from Oregon, the proprietor told us.  They have the rows of trees tied to temporary fencing, as you can see above.  The RV, canopy, and a storage trailer make up the rest of the place.
For the first time in many years, I had room to put up every one of my ornaments!

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