Thursday, July 24, 2014

Domingo Baca Canyon

There are several trails that start in the Elena Gallegos Open Space in the Northeast part of Albuquerque.  Stephen and I explored a short piece of the Pino trail one day.  I decided to hike the Domigo Baca Canyon trail on this warm sunny morning.  It begins in a sort of desert meadow then climbs gradually into a wooded canyon.  It is a less strenuous hike than the Hawk Watch trail because it is much less steep.  As I got farther into the canyon, however, the trail became narrower and eventually I decided to turn around because my legs were getting scratched and stabbed.  I would love to go back in cold weather wearing long pants and explore more of the canyon.  From the Domingo Baca trail, it is possible to take an unmarked side trail to the site of the 1955 TWA plane crash, where there is apparently still debris.  I didn't want to go that far today and I don't feel comfortable going off-trail alone with my notoriously poor sense of direction. 

I saw quail, a coyote, jackrabbits, a deer, and many lizards during the hike, but I was too slow to take photos of any of them.  In the canyon I saw wildflowers including mullein, bee balm, coneflower, and penstemon.  I saw one slightly damp spot in the otherwise dry stream beds, but the presence of so many flowering plants suggests recent rain.

When I got back to the picnic area, I was delighted to discover a lovely nature trail that is completely wheelchair accessible.  There's even an accessible outhouse!  I'm adding the nature trail to the list of activities to do when my brother visits in November.

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