Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Moving out of my school

The Albuquerque Public School district only offers art and music to elementary school students every other year.  The way this is accomplished in most of the 87 elementary schools is an art teacher serves the entire school population for a year, then moves out of the Fine Arts room or portable, and a music teacher moves in the next year.  As long as I teach elementary music for APS, I'll move to a new school each year.  If I'm lucky, I may get to rotate between 2 schools and get to know teachers, staff and families in those two schools.  But some folks move to a new place every year.  Staffing decisions are based on multiple factors.  It's like a complicated jigsaw puzzle!

One of the nice things about working for APS Fine Arts is that we have an equipment budget that allows us to acquire Orff instruments, drums, and other instruments and resources that we need to do a great job.  But all that "stuff" has to have a place to go!  Most teachers try to store their inventories at their schools for the summer, but when that is not possible, inventories have to be moved to a storage facility (trailer, or portable) at Fine Arts.  We won't get our next school assignments until summer is almost over, so we can't just move to our new schools right away.  There is a budget for hiring movers, so at least no one has to make 20 trips with their personal car, carrying everything alone. 
Here's my room with stuff on Day 1 last August:

And here's my inventory all packed up on Day 178:

I scheduled the movers for the second-to-last day of school.  They arrived on time and were very friendly and efficient.   They put most of my boxes and tubs onto these carts, shrink wrapped them, and then secured the carts in the truck.  Some stuff they put into a giant rolling box.  My Smart Board was secured last.

 I drove up to Fine Arts and got the key to the right portable, then made sure my shelves were still open and shifted a few large items that were blocking the aisles.  They arrived and started unloading the truck.
 I took the precaution of borrowing shelf space from some of my "neighbors" who were able to keep their inventories at their schools.

 Everything just barely fit!
When I get my school assignment for next year, I call my principal, arrange for a moving day, and this process starts all over again!  Crazy system.

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