Sunday, September 13, 2015

The Marinos' 2015 Albuquerque Visit

Mom and Dad M flew in on the Friday before Labor Day.  Their flight was a little delayed, but I had prepared dinner at the house so we were able to relax and eat and discuss the plans for the week.

On Saturday, Mom M and Stephen and I went to Casa San Ysidro, a 19th century rancho in Corrales, while Dad M rested up from the trip.  Casa San Ysidro is a branch of the Albuquerque Museum.  It is only accessible through guided tours because all the artifacts are out in the open, not behind glass.  Our docent, an energetic and youthful 80-year-old, had lots to tell us about the history of the house and of Corrales.
 There is no photography allowed inside the buildings, so we only have pictures of the outside and courtyard areas.

 On Sunday, I took Mom and Dad M to the petroglyphs while Stephen caught up on some work.  It was very hot and sunny, and I was so worried that Mom and Dad M would get dehydrated with the low humidity and unaccustomed elevation that I reminded them to drink every 2 minutes for the entire hike.  Hopefully that wasn't as annoying as it seems like it might have been!  Anyway, we all survived and then went to the air-conditioned visitor center where we thought we might learn what we had just seen.  But as it turns out, no one knows what the petroglyphs mean, except possibly the ancestors of the Pueblo people who made them, and they aren't allowed to tell.  In the log book, Dad M wrote in the "comments" section using his own petroglyphs. 
 Monday was the day of our epic journey to Acoma Sky Pueblo, which was so awesome that I put it into a whole separate blog post.

On Tuesday, I went to school and the folks went to the Bio Park.  We met at El Patron for a delicious New Mexican feast and were entertained by a guitar/vocal duet performing what I think were traditional Mexican songs.  Stephen also "entertained" us with his fake translations of the songs.  Apparently, one was about a missing sock.  We were skeptical.
 On Wednesday, we went to work again and the folks went to the Unser museum.  Dad M did some virtual racing on the simulator.  Mom M read all the signs and watched the videos.
 On Thursday, Stephen and his parents tried to go to breakfast at the Greenside Cafe, only to find it closed!  They were able to find an alternative, but alas, Stephen couldn't order his favorite, the Hen Grenade.
Mom and Dad M dropped Stephen off at the airport and continued on to Old Town for some shopping.  When I was done at the studio, we met at Cafe da Lat for yummy Vietnamese food.  Back at the house, Mom M and I played two spirited games of Bananagrams, then it was time for the folks to pack and rest up for the next day's travel.  I brought them to the airport on my way to school Friday morning.  We had such a nice time!  We did leave a few things to see and do during their next visit...

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