Friday, May 26, 2017

Rio Grande Nature Center State Park

On the last day of school I like to treat myself to a hike or some other fun activity.  Since I was already on the West side of town, I decided to explore the Rio Grande Nature Center.  It's a lovely place with a nice, kid-friendly visitor center and some short, easy walking trails.
These metal X formations used to be a flood-control device.

 It was peaceful and quiet except for the sound of the birds and the river water lapping against the shore.
 The beavers had apparently been hard at work trying to dam this man-made irrigation channel.  Nature Center employees wrapped the trees in chicken wire to discourage that behavior.

 I walked South on a side trail and saw some prime real estate across the river.

 The river was higher and flowing faster than I have seen it.  It was eroding the edge of the path!

 The massive cottonwood trees were "snowing" but you can't see it in my photos.

 The river blind above, and the view from it below:
 The roadrunner below posed for a minute, then decided enough was enough.

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