Thursday, September 20, 2012

Library Card!

Today was a day to start getting stuff done. I needed to get an emissions test in order to register my "new" car. Here it is
We named her Ingrid Ortiz because she's a Swedish car in New Mexico. She is super easy to drive, and it's as if Volvo measured my butt to make the driver's seat. Stephen bought her when I was still in NY, and he did a great job! She's a 1995 with 120,000 miles and not one speck of rust. Amazing.

I took this picture for you upstate NY gardeners. Believe it or not, this large shrub, of which there are many in the apartment complex, is lavender. Yeah, that wonderfully aromatic herb that we struggle to grow and that gets about 12" high if we're lucky. This particular one is about 5' tall and 6'wide and it's right by the entrance to my apt, so I can touch it on my way home.
I did some other errands today, getting paperwork together and such, but the most important and exciting thing I accomplished today was getting my Albuquerque library card! My local branch is within walking distance of the apartment, and they have two book clubs. I was even able to check out a book today. Since I have a novel and a music memoir in progress, I took out Beginner's Spanish Grammar. Not much plot, but lots of new vocabulary.

1 comment:

  1. The lavender is amazing! The car looks great and I'm really glad you got your library card! Miss you but happy you're settling in!
