Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Since we decided to move to Albuquerque, I have been busy getting ready. Here’s an abbreviated list of the preparations I have been making:

Paperwork Applied for NM teaching license. Looked up what papers I need to establish NM residency, get a driver’s license, library card, and voter registration. Found my birth certificate, marriage certificate, and SS card. Forwarded the mail. Transferred prescriptions.

Organizing/Cleaning Had a yard sale. Cleaned basement, garage, shed, closets, freezer, refrigerator. Organized and boxed my school files. Purged old household files and boxed and labeled the keepers. Took down the car tent. Neatened up the gardens. Gave away tons of stuff that didn’t sell at the yard sale.

Packing Decided what to take with me for the short term and what Stephen forgot to take with him, and packed 5 boxes (computer, instruments, etc) to send by UPS. Packed for the plane.

Cats Moved Spike to a friend’s house to stay until we own a house in Albq where he can safely go outside. Took Annabelle to the vet for a health certificate for the plane. Bought a soft-sided, airline-approved carrier, disposable absorbant pads to line it, a harness and leash, Feliway calming spray, and calming treats for her trip.

Misc. Went to Massachusetts to visit the Grandmas. Went to Parkway and bought a case for my Gretch bass so I could ship it safely, and also bought a digital piano for the apartment and had it shipped to Stephen. Had lots of friends come by to dig up perennial divisions. Brought bags and bags of produce from my vegetable garden everywhere I went all summer since I wasn’t canning or freezing. Met with the mover to inventory the contents of the garage and house. Met with the realtor several times to go through the house, determine the asking price, take pictures, and sign paperwork. Got my hair cut and had my hairdresser take pictures of it so I could show a new hairdresser what it’s supposed to look like.

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