Sunday, October 7, 2012

Balloon Fiesta Day 2 -- The Mass Ascension

The mass ascension was cancelled yesterday because of wind, and I used up my one opportunity to roust Stephen out of bed at "oh-dark-hundred." So this morning I went to the parking area by myself after checking on-line to make sure that the event was going to proceed as scheduled.

Something I've learned in the past two days about balloons: nothing happens quickly and there's a lot of waiting around. It's not really important to be on time based on the posted schedule and being early is simply a waste of time. Stephen says that he heard on the live TV coverage that the mass ascensions get more organized as the 9 day event goes on.

The site from which I watched is a big empty lot about a mile up the hill from the balloon park, affording an excellent view of the morning sky. There were only a few cars when I arrived, but more cars, walkers, and joggers stopped by as the event unfolded. It was only 48 degrees out, so I waited in my car. There were 9 balloons in the mostly dark sky when I got there -- probably members of the Dawn Patrol. The mass ascension was supposed to start at 7 AM. At quarter past 7, the first one went up, followed slowly by a dozen more. When I left to go back to the apartment to get ready for church at about 7:35, there were probably about 70 balloons flying. When we left to go to church at 9, they were landing all over the city, and chase vehicles were on the move. Coming home from church, around 10:45, there was not a sign of a balloon anywhere. Apparently, the winds become too unpredictable by mid-morning.

By the time I got back to the apartment, Stephen could see the balloons as well. He took this shot out the living room window.

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