Sunday, October 21, 2012

Tunnel Canyon, Tijeras

Yesterday when Stephen asked what I wanted to do today, I suggested walking around Old Town and maybe visiting the Museum of Art and History. But when we walked out of church this morning and saw how beautiful the weather was, Stephen thought we should change the plan to hiking and save the Old Town for a colder day. Of course, I agreed immediately. I'm still amazed that he's willing to hike; for him to initiate the activity was delightful! He even had a place in mind, so after lunch we drove East to Tijeras which is in the Sandia mountains very close to Albuquerque.
Although the trail sign listed multiple uses, we mostly saw mountain bikers and only one other hiker. Stephen thought it would be fun to bike and I thought it would be too scary. Speaking of scary, in addition to the bear warning (which was on the FRONT of the board this time) there was this:

The area is wooded, mostly with smallish evergreen trees. It kept looking almost familiar, particularly when looking up, but then I would look down and see cactus and yucca amongst the underbrush which was very disorienting.

I love the lichen-covered rocks and the view.

We rested before heading back down. I thought this might be one of those trails where you don't make better time coming down because you have to slow down to keep from sliding. There were a lot of loose rocks on the trail and it was very sandy and dry. But we did go slightly faster on the way down, maybe because we weren't stopping to take as many pictures. I can definitely feel this one in my quads, and I'm really psyched that Stephen went so far and enjoyed himself. We're working toward a longer hike with lunch included. One of these weekends!

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