Sunday, March 9, 2014

A new (to us) restaurant

My brother gave us a gift card to El Patio for Christmas, and we had the opportunity to check it out last night.  It's right across from UNM, so it's very hipster, with tattooed young waiters and a young crowd (except for us!).  It was too cold for the patio, so we sat inside next to a fireplace.  The restaurant is in a tiny old building with lots of character.  The New Mexican food was excellent, and they had no problem accommodating a vegan.  I had fajitas and Stephen had carne adovado.  I almost ordered enchilladas, but the waiter said they were really spicy, so I changed my mind. It was a fun and delicious outing.

 There's a mural on one side of the patio, which you could see if I hadn't stuck my face into Stephen's selfie. 

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