Sunday, March 30, 2014

Art and History Museum

I hadn't been to any of the downtown museums because I kept waiting for a rainy or yucky day when an indoor activity would be a better choice than an outdoor one.  Finally, I decided that we'd never go if we kept waiting for that, so we chose a nice, sunny, lovely day to visit the Albuquerque Museum.
 The current exhibition is "Behind Closed Doors: Art in the Spanish American Home, 1492-1898."  The paintings, tapestries, and furniture were gorgeous and the history was fascinating.  I am used to the Northeast, where there's lots of Revolutionary War history and the early settlers were English and French.  The history and artifacts are so different here!  For a while, I tried to read the explanatory signs in Spanish, but Stephen was getting pretty far ahead of me and I was worried he would get impatient, so I read the rest in English.

There was also a gallery full of New Mexico art from the permanent collection.  A variety of styles were represented, some of which we really liked.  On our way out we walked through the sculpture garden.  For me there's no ambivalence about sculpture; I either love it or I find it disturbing.  I loved this representation of an Indian with outstretched hands.  The late afternoon sun prevented a detailed photo.

The museum hosts jazz concerts starting in April, so we hope to enjoy some good music there soon.

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