Saturday, November 22, 2014

Mystery in the Open Space

A few weeks ago while hiking in the open space I noticed something light blue on the side of the mountain where nothing light blue should be.  The next time I walked that way, I brought the binoculars, but could only determine that there was something light blue there and it sort of looked like metal.  I brought Stephen out to show him, and he couldn't determine any more than I could.  I couldn't see a path that would take me anywhere near the thing, and I don't like to go off-trail in shorts because my legs get all scratched up.  But I just HAD to know what is there.  So I waited until it was cold enough to wear jeans, a windbreaker, and gloves (for climbing) and for a time when Stephen was home in case I ran into a problem and needed to call him.

I set off after lunch, walking to where I could see the blue spot.  I started to climb, and very soon lost sight of the spot, so I had to estimate where I had last seen it while picking through the rough terrain, moving left and right as I climbed to avoid huge rocks, cactus, slippery sandy spots and other impediments.  It was steep, and I had to use my hands to help me climb.  I was starting to wonder whether I would make it when I turned my head to the left and there it was!

I still can't fathom how a truck got here.  Unlike the other old truck chassis I found in the open space, this one is nowhere near any of the off-road trails.  It has no engine or transmission.  Its presence is a complete mystery to me.  Stephen looked at the photos and said it looks like a late 70's model, judging from the taillight area.  But it has no drive line at all, no axles, no wheels.  We looked on google earth, and there is no road along the ridge, so it didn't get pushed from above.  I guess a group of strong guys could carry it if there was a path, but not over the terrain where it is.  How I would love to know the whole story!

I was quite tired of going up by this time, so I decided to work my way down.  I had to stop first and get all the prickly things out of my shoes.  There were times when I needed to sit down and sort of slide on my butt so I wouldn't lose my footing, and a few small leaps to make.  I had to duck under some branches, and crawl through a couple of openings.  It was pretty fun!  I did stop a few times to turn around and take pictures for context.  The second picture below was taken looking down toward the highway.

I finally got to a road, or at least a trail where folks with four-wheelers had been trail riding.  It curves to the left and turns downhill.  The truck is about half way up the mountain behind it.

From the vantage point of the truck, I had seen this off-roading trail connect to a housing development between the open space and I-40, and I decided to walk that way, knowing I could call Stephen to come get me if I was tired by the time I got to the road.  I came out in a new development with what must be million dollar houses.  I walked down this paved road toward 333, which runs parallel to I-40.

Fairly soon, the road turned to dirt and the houses turned to trailers and cinder block shacks with chain link fences, "No Trespassing, Deadly Force" signs, and mean-looking dogs who barked at me.  I walked past this awesome cemetery that I blogged about once before,

and down into a little valley by a stream that crossed the road among cottonwood trees.
 Just past this church, I came out on 333 and called Stephen who came to pick me up.

I was out for less than 2 hours and I'm so excited that I found the blue spot!  What a blast.

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