Saturday, November 15, 2014

Osterhout Visit Nov. 2014 part 3

Monday was a work day.  The O's went to the Science Museum and came to our house for dinner, where we celebrated Dad's and Stephen's birthdays.
I had Tuesday off, but Stephen didn't.  I rescheduled my lessons at the studio so I could have the whole day off to go to Santa Fe.
We arrived in time for the Veteran's Day parade, and then had lunch at the Plaza Cafe.

 After lunch we walked to the Georgia O'Keefe museum.  The last time I visited, they didn't have many of her New Mexico paintings on display, but this time there were quite a few in the gallery.  I love her Ghost Ranch period!
Leaving Santa Fe, we took the Turquoise Trail so we could stop in Los Cerrillos, a former mining town turned ghost town turned artist community.

 Wednesday was a work day again, and I had to teach at the studio, but we all met for dinner at El Patron and had amazing New Mexican food while a pair of guitarists/singers serenaded us with Spanish folk songs.  It was a great way to end our week together.

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